Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wow, really interesting link:

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Job Search time!

Which means time to crack down on learning french and dropping off resumes EVERYWHERE! I need to stay in Montreal this summer! And make tips :)

This picture reminds me of a night about a week ago when my friend and I went out for tapas. We had such a good night! It was her first time trying oysters, which was so fun!! I love my oysters :)  We spent a lot of money and had such a good time. On our way home, we stopped to buy cigarettes, and outside of the Dep was this homeless man and his dog. We talked to him a little bit, and then went inside. My friend, with her heart of gold, suggested we buy them food, which I was all for! It seemed only fair when we had spent so much on excess.. So we bought dog food and a sandwich for him, and went outside to share the food. I opened the can for the dog - I'm a HUGE fan of dogs :) - and he devoured the food within two minutes. I know in the long run we didn't help them out enough, but I'd love to start doing that more. Once I get a job!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

"If you resolve to give up drinking, smoking, and loving, you don't actually live longer: it just seems longer."                                                           -Clement Freud
